Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering September 11, 2001

I felt that it was important to remember September 11, 2001. I thought I would share what I was doing when I first heard about the airplanes hitting the World Trade Center.

I was living in Boise Idaho at the time and I was on my way to work and had the radio on. The breaking news came over the radio and said that an airplane had hit the World Trade Center and said that it looked like a malfunction in the planes navigation. When I got to work everyone was talking about it and someone brought in a small TV that we watched and then the second plane hit the other tower and I knew right then that this was no accident.

More breaking news came in and two more planes were also on a crash course for Washington. One hit the Pentagon and the other in a field in Pennsylvania. All day long we were looking for information on what was going on. I was thinking about my family and was on the phone with my mom to find out if she had talked to my brother Brian as he was serving his mission in the Washington DC mission and was in Virginia at the time (I think). I remember driving home with the radio on listening to everything I could hear. Turned the TV on to watch more and remember seeing that a few members of Congress standing outside on the steps singing a song and I stood there watching and crying.

This day was an emotional day for everyone not just for those that were there in NY, WA, or PA. We all felt this, we all were attacked that day for no reason. Let's remember that we didn't start this fight but we will finish it. You want the war to stop tell Osama to come out from hiding and take his punishment. Don't blame the government about this war, you all agreed it was the right thing to do you wanted them to pay for this tragedy they caused our country and we will finish this fight for our FREEDOM, & RIGHT TO WORSHIP OUR GOD and not think twice about it.

This war is about our security, families and our way of living. We went to war because of what happened to us and if we pull out and leave those evil people out there they will do it again. Let's not forget all those people that died without any reason other than they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Let's remember those families that have lost loved ones from this tragedy. Let's remember all those that came to our rescue when we needed it. Thank you to all the firefighters, police, volunteers and all that put forth there effort to rescue people from the devastation all around them.


1 comment:

debra said...

Well, hello you!!! I'm so glad you found me and it's SO fun to see your fun blog! How are you doing? You seem to be doing well getting all ready for winter in Heber! I seriously love Heber- it's BEAUTIFUL!

Take care cutie! Miss you!