Friday, November 14, 2008

I've Fallen & I Can't Get Up

Well unfortunately we had a small accident in our house last week. My mom fell and broke three bones in her left leg. Two in her ankle and one in her leg the fibula bone. Let's just say it has been a rough road for all of us and told her it could be worse. We are just glad it isn't worse. So far the doctors don't think surgery is necessary but we will find out more on Monday. She is living upstairs in our living room as her bedroom is down some stairs and she can't walk or hop at all. We rented a hospital bed, commode and wheelchair for her to use. She doesn't like the commode thing as it is hard to use.

Our ward has been wonderful and very helpful and thank goodness we live in Utah. Our bishop lives across the street and my mom's visiting teachers are the bishop's wife and relief society president. Couldn't ask for anything more as far as being covered. My mom's home teachers came to the hospital that night and gave her a blessing and even assisted us getting her home from the hospital and to her doctor appointments. We only have trucks and she can't get into the truck as they are too high.

My boss has been very helpful too and very understanding of this whole thing. She made us dinner and has let me leave to go and take care of my mom for appointments and stuff. Thank you Patti for your support and concern.

I'll have to take a couple of photos once mom is feeling better; maybe after we get the cast on she'll be more willing for a photo op. Not pushing my luck on that one. We've had a few mishaps with spills and stuff but for the most part we are plugging along. Mom is a little stressed out and feels useless since she has to lay in bed all the time with her leg up. But once she has a cast she'll be able to sit in the wheelchair and watch TV with us in the family room.

Greg is doing well; working and chopping wood for the wood stove to keep the family room warm. I'm busy with work and I've been playing volleyball every Thursday night with our ward and stake. Unfortunately that ends tomorrow with the regional volleyball tournament. Not sure if I'll make it or not as Saturdays are my busiest days for getting things done.

We bought mom a couple of books on CD for her to listen to for her birthday and she is officially 60 years old on the 11th. Happy Birthday mom. We had strawberry shortcake and chicken,rice and broccoli. Restricted diets are such a pain but we had dessert.

Brian and Amber and Eli are coming for Thanksgiving and we are so excited to have them here. Only two weeks to go. Love you guys and see you soon.

Well I'll keep you posted on mom's condition and on the family as the weeks go on. Thanks everyone for your help it has been most appreciated.

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